Today was Edie's big day. It started out with a bath in the sink. The bathroom was busy with three other sisters and Nana and Grandpa who came to visit for the weekend.
Karen finished Edie's blessing dress yesterday. We took all of the blessing dresses out so the girls could look at them. They are all a bit different but all very beautiful.

The girls were very excited to see the dresses that their mom had made them when they were born. We hung them next to each other and took a few pictures.
We dressed Edie before church to take some pictures but changed her back to some "regular" clothes to avoid spit-up disasters on her dress before the blessing. We took her to church, fed her and changed her into her dress. Only two small spit-ups later we blessed her. Blessing your child is one of those spiritual signposts that dot life. What a great spirit this little one is and we are so blessed to have her in our home.